What is HSL Colour picker ?
HSL stands for Hue, Saturation and Lightness. HSLA color values are an extension of HSL with an alpha channel (opacity). HSL Color Picker is a simple, yet functional workspace for creating outgoing colors and importing colors for analysis and comparison. It has all the facilities required to take into account the seven colors.
light and dark (amount of light), hue (color value), fill space (equal value and completeness of light), warm and cool (does red or blue value dominate?), and related hues (opposite sides of the color wheel ), in proportion (the weight is made up of a combination of interface color and brightness) and a single color (eg short red and yellow lines look orange).
With HSL Color Picker you can quickly find color codes on colors you want to use on other websites or desktop applications. CSS Output is an addition for web designers who want to generate color codes in HTML documents with the possibility to use the new CSS3 color notation (RGB(A), HSL(A)).